Wednesday, March 5, 2008

0001 - 0015

0001: GENEROSITY is like a rare gem. Not many possess it but when it is seen it sparkles! What admiration it brings from onlookers. Are you sparkling today?

0002: Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you CHERISHED them.

0003: The happiest people don’t have EVERYTHING in life. They just make the BEST OF EVERYTHING that life brings their way!

0004: Give time to study the BIBLE. It will give you knowledge far more precious and profitable than a Ph.D. in Economics

0005: Never let go of a dream until you’re READY to wake up and make it happen.

0006: Take time to WORK: It’s the price of success. THINK: It’s the source of power. PLAY: It’s the secret of youth. PRAY: It’s the key to peace. TEXT: It makes me smile.

0007: Keep on smiling! Life’s challenges are DESIGNED not to break us but to bend us toward GOD!

0008: ACHIEVEMENT: 1—Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. 2—Pride makes us do things well. But it is LOVE that makes us do them to perfection.

0009: Life is a ROAD full of twists and turns, learn to enjoy the ride no matter how bumpy it is. For in every twist and turn, a BLESSING is always given in return.

0010: HAPPINESS is the realization of the importance of working hard, striving for the best and loving what you do.

0011: Life has a SERIES of new beginnings, of falling down and getting up again. When we fail, we think of giving up. But GOD uses our failures to make us wiser.

0012: The PESSIMIST sees difficulty in every opportunity. The OPTIMIST sees opportunity in every difficulty. Life is a ONE-WAY street. No matter how many detours you take, none of them leads back. So enjoy life’s every moment as none of them will happen the same way again.

0013: Things work out best for those who make the best of the way things work out. Doing our BEST makes us a WINNER.

0014: You can never change the past nor control the future but you can change the mood of the day by touching someone’s “PRIVATE PART” —– the heart!

0015: Never pray for an easy life, instead pray to be STRONGER in life. Never ask for a task equal to your power. ASK for a power equal to your task.

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